
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Slippers & Bags and a Month of Catchup!

Yikes! A month is a long time not to blog. I've missed it. I'll try to catch you up without typing a Charles Dickens length novel! 

I finished my Pleated Ballet Slippers. Pattern info here: Ravelry. In fact, I'm wearing them now and love them. What I love most about them is that I was able to use leftover yarn from an earflap hat I made in January. The yarn is Plymouth Encore Chunky Tweed. It's a great yarn to knit with and relatively inexpensive: $13 in yarn for two projects. What a deal!

Chunky Chula Hat by Plymouth Yarn Design. Info here: Ravelry.
And, since I used leftover yarn and the pattern was $7, the slippers were practically free. Or, so I told hubby. Gotta love knitter-economics!

Since we've last connected, I visited the city of St. Louis. Hubby and nephew ran the Rock n Roll Marathon there. St. Louis is a fun town and the weather was fantastic. Here are a few pictures:
6:50 a.m. Waiting for the race to start! 
Nephew Glenn at 13.1 miles. Looks like he's just out for a casual jog!
Hubby at the finish line. Beat his previous marathon time by 15 minutes!
Stumbled upon a Rams v Packers party in the hotel bar.
I started a new project on the way home from St. Louis. It's a 6 hour drive, so I had some knitting time. I'm making a market bag from sock yarn I inherited from my Grandma who passed about a year ago. 

Big Bang Market Bag. Pattern info here: Ravelry.
Speaking of bags, my 31 venture is going great. I am having much fun being a consultant. I'm meeting a lot of new friends, earning money, and carrying around fantastic bags. Check out the bag I bought to carry my projects. I mean as a 31 consultant I can no longer carry my WIP in Ziplocks bags, right? Disgraceful! Here's a picture of my upgrade:

Zipper Pouch. You can shop for this on my website:
I'm also earning free bags just for doing my job as a consultant. So far I've earned 5 free bags. Here's a picture of 2 of my favorites. I love the consultant exclusive plumb polka dot print!

Organizing Utility Tote & Retro Metro
Thirty-one gives back to the community and rewards its consultants generously with product. So happy I found a company like this to be a part of. Sorry for the preposition at the end of that sentence.

Okay enough 31 talk. Did I mention I love this company? Well, I better get knitting so I have something to type about sooner than a month's time. What's new with you? Run any marathons, actual or metaphorical? Finish any projects? Start any new business ventures? Holiday plans? I love reading and responding to your comments, so please type away! ~ Christina