
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

“Purls” on… A Stretchy Cast-on and Gum Chewing

I’m a tight caster-oner, which can cause problems when knitting top-down socks and hats - where one wants a stretchy edge. So, I hauled out my trusty reference book, Vogue Knitting: The Ultimate Knitting Book, expensive, I know, but worth it and started surfing. Here, I came across the Cable Cast-on, which according to the editors “forms a sturdy yet elastic edge… perfect for ribbed edges” (pg. 26). This is my new favorite cast-on for projects that need elasticity! This method can be a little tricky with “splitty” yarn, but if you persevere you will be justly rewarded with a stretchy, attractive edge. I’ll attempt to demonstrate with pictures and captions. Here we go…

On the left needle, cast-on (2) stitches in a knitted cast-on.

Push the right needle through the stitches. Wrap the yarn around the right needle and pull through, making a new stitch (reminds me of crocheting, if that helps). 

Put the new stitch on the left needle. Repeat, always inserting the right needle through the most recent 2 stitches on the left needle.

I recently cast on 72 stitches on size 2s using this method for a pair of socks I need to finish by Christmas Eve. Yes, I should be knitting rather than blogging. But, then I wouldn’t be sharing with you my new favorite cast-on. And, a bit of advice for gum-chewers. 

I was waiting in a very long line to check out yesterday at a local store. After I bought a gift on-line via my phone at another store, skimmed all the covers of the tabloids, etc., and made my  moves on Words with Friends, I had nothing left to do but observe my fellow shoppers. Two people ahead in line, I noticed a very put-together women in her late 40s-early 50s. She was dressed very smartly and looked like she could be an executive at a bank or something. I checked out her suit, purse, jewelry, manicure and was ready to give a mental nod of approval; come on girls admit we do this. Until… I noticed… she was chewing gum with her mouth open. Yikes! Like a cow chewing cud (forgive the expression, but that’s what it looked like). So, I’m thinking gum-chewers should check themselves out chewing gum in the mirror and work out an attractive way to chew, or at least a way that doesn’t conjure up images of chewing cows. I offer this bit of advice with good intentions as we all want to look our best, and I would want someone to tell me :) Purl-on.


  1. Oh you are so right!! Another pet peeve of mine are those (usually the younger generation) that chew and loudly 'pop' the gum constantly. Drives me up the wall!
