
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Who Me Speechless?

Well, I’ve been putting off writing this week because I feel like I’ve nothing to say. This will come as a surprise to those who know me personally, as you have at one time or another longed for a moment of silence in my presence I am sure. I’ll just let my fingers babble away at the keyboard and see if I can’t come up with something mildly interesting or at least a passable post.
I finished up a couple of projects this week. I made a baby earflap hat for my friend, Carrie, who is expecting. I’ve included a picture of the adorable baby on the pattern, as it is the baby who sold me on the pattern.

Here’s a picture of the adorable baby. Who could resist?

Since the sex of the soon-to-be owner of the hat is a surprise, I chose neutral pastel colors. The pattern is titled “Serendipity” and is by Brandy Fortune of Pixie Purls. It’s available for a few bucks on Ravelry, should you have an adorable baby in your life to knit one for. Note to my English teacher friends - I don’t like ending a sentence with a preposition, but it just seemed to work. The yarn is Chunky Mochi by Crystal Palace; it feels like I imagine one of those cotton/sheep-shaped clouds would feel like, if I could actually touch it. 

Here’s the hat I made. It will look much better on an adorable baby no doubt.

I also made a coca leaf bag for my friend, Julie, who wanted a little bag for her iphone and earbuds. As Julie so eloquently put it - she needed a low tech carrier for her high tech gadget. This little bag works perfectly. See my December 29, 2011 post or Ravelry if you want pattern details for this project. 

Here’s a picture of Julie’s bag, which looks a lot like mine only better as it’s my second go at it.

How many times, I wonder, will the library let me check out this pattern book before there is a note on my account directing me to Amazon? I’m on my 3rd check-out, all with renewals, of course. The library is a great source for patterns, by the way. I knit from library books if I only want a pattern or two and can finish them up before the due date. Being the angel I am, ahem, I never violate copyright law.
My Noro sweater is coming along nicely. 

Here's a picture of my sweater after its complimentary steam/spa treatment.

I steam-blocked it lightly, as the pattern called for the neck to be attached then sew the side seams. Once it’s finished, I’ll wet block it to bring out the best in the yarn and shape it. I do have the side seams completed. They are challenging as the sides increase in stitches every 8 or so rows. I have one seam that is decent and one that simply will not do. Ever the perfectionist, I’ll keep ripping out until I like what I see. Next, I’ll move on to sew the raglan sleeves, which are on a diagonal. Yikes! 
Well, for someone who thought she had nothing to say, I have managed to prattle on for about 550 words or so. I’m no Charles Dickens, but I think this will do. I'd love to hear about some of your projects - of the yarn variety or otherwise. ~ Christina


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Renee. It's even cuter in person and pretty a pretty fast knit :)

  2. where do I find the pattern to this hat. I love it!

  3. The pattern is called Serendipity by Brandy Fortune. You can find it on Ravelry :)
