
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Yep, Spent St. Patrick’s Day Afternoon at the Beach!

Wow, what a weekend here in West Michigan. Carpe Diem! Beach weather Saturday and Sunday - and it looks like more is on the way. Spent St. Patrick’s Day afternoon at the beach. Definitely a first for me in my, ahem, 40-ish years of living here.

Here’s a picture of feet - mine and a friend’s at the beach yesterday.

Here’s me dipping my toes in the Big Lake. Yes, it was cold!
Here’s a picture of the beach scene in Grand Haven St. Patrick's Day afternoon.
Some brave, for lack of a better word, souls were even swimming. Gotta love teenagers! After an afternoon at the beach and a brief stop at a local watering hole, I spent a lovely evening star-gazing with a new app, SkyView, in flip flops in my backyard. In March! Have to keep typing that because it is beyond belief. Sorry, no pictures of the constellations. Could be my iphone camera or it’s operator, (probably the latter) but the pictures were black with a few dots. Nothing to blog about, oh wait, I just did.
Oh, and about my knitting. I finished a pair of socks for my Aunt Karel. The pattern is called Windjammer Socks by Jennifer Tepper Heverly. Found the pattern in a book I checked out of the library called The Knitter's Book of Wool. The pattern was pretty fun. My first chevron experience, and I love to knit cables. This pattern has both. You can click here for more pattern information. Just have to soak the socks in Eucalan to soften them up. And, of course go out to dinner to gift them :)
Here’s a picture of Aunt Karel’s socks modeled by my daughter, Shelby.
Finally, I’ve been reading Russian Lit again. I’ve forgotten how much I enjoy this genre. First, it’s challenging so I can’t let my mind wander. And, it’s Russian so it’s filled with the rich history and unique nuances that are Russia. I love that Russian authors are so blunt - never hesitating to call a buffoon a buffoon. Almost forgot to mention that I’m reading Dr. Zhivago. I’m about 37% of the way through, according to my Kindle. Spent a few hours in the sunshine with this book collecting tan lines. Yes, tan lines! In March! Sorry, am I overdoing the March weather thing?
Anyway, I’m always in the market for a good book, so I’d love to hear about the pages you’re perusing. As always, thanks for reading! ~ Christina


  1. I am in need of a good book - but also some time to read. Reading a book for work, but picked up March for SB. Do you need something to take to Mexico?

    1. Got my Kindle loaded up with 3 books and 12 pages of samples! Thanks :)

  2. It is very amazing about the beautiful weather, but in the back of my mind lingers this nagging voice, saying "You're going to pay for this" and it's followed by a very sinister laugh!~ And my socks are looking lovely :) Can't wait to see you for dinner soon.

    1. I'm excited to give them to you. Shelby has the same size foot, so I'm pretty sure they'll fit. Just need to get them soaking to make them even softer. The yarn is really nice - Grandma "did good!" :)

  3. What a fantastic weekend you have had.

    Love those socks your daughter is modelling!

    Fleur xx
