
Monday, July 2, 2012

The Perfectionist and the Lifeline: A Story with a Happy Ending

Once upon a time a perfectionist named Christina decided to knit a lace shawl. She had once again bought sock yarn that was far too beautiful to hide inside shoes, and she had given up wearing glass slippers long ago. So, Christina set off on a quest with her friends Ravelry and Pinterest, and before long found the perfect pattern. Click here: Pettine Shawlette. In no time at all her Visa card was back in her wallet, the pattern was downloaded, the swatch was completed, and her needles were clicking away. 

I wish you could feel how soft this yarn is.
But, alas, Christina was a perfectionist and would notice a stitch here or there that wasn't quite right, so she ripped her shawl four, yes, four times. "At this rate, I'll never finish," Christina despaired to no one in particular, for her family had learned not to respond to her random prattle whilst knitting. Christina pondered her dilemma. The yarn was so beautiful - what with its subtle, nuanced, natural shades, and baby soft texture; the pattern would so perfectly show off its beauty and sit so softly against her skin, but it was proving to be a frustrating knit. Convinced these two were a perfect match, Christina refused to give up. She knew her prince would ride in and, oops wrong story ... Christina was a resourceful, determined knitter and needed no prince. She thought through her previous challenging projects and then remembered lifelines. Yes, lifelines: the perfect solution! 
Lifeline: simply thread yarn (same or lighter weight) through a tapestry needle and work through the last completed row. Keep track of which row the lifeline is in. If you have to rip, just rip back to the lifeline and carry on. Genius.
And with that, she cast on again and clicked away happily ever after ;)


  1. That is a perfect story with a perfect ending! Love the way you wrote the post :)

  2. Thank you and thanks for reading and subscribing :)

  3. Your blog is precious! Whenever I bring out the knitting needles my husband and the dogs head for high ground - knitting is such a stress reliever! And I love your fur stole. My sister and I are already squabbling over who will inherit our mother's vintage fur coat and occasionally she'll interject, "Can't you girls wait until I'm dead?!" LOL Seriously, your projects are darling and I love your writing, too.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words; they are much appreciated. My mom was going to sell the stole - she didn't think anyone would wear it. I didn't even know she had it. Thank goodness she mentioned it in passing, so I could claim it. And thank goodness my sister had no interest. lol

  4. Saint of patience you have! I would do the same tho while grumbling Fred Flintstone style.

    1. Well, I may have uttered a few Flintstone-ish comments under my breath ... maybe ;)
