
Monday, September 17, 2012

Can You Bring Knitting Needles to a Major League Baseball Game?

Blueberry Waffle Socks. Pattern info here: Ravelry.
Yikes! I haven’t blogged in a few weeks. Sorry about that. After finishing my Blueberry Waffle Socks, I decided to use up some leftover Noro from a sweater I frogged. Frogged, verb, a knitter’s term for officially giving up on a project and resigning oneself to unraveling and finding something else to make with the yarn. Take a deep breath because here comes a run-on sentence. I gave up on the sweater because I could get stitch gauge but not row gauge and the side had a curve thing going on and the pattern was written for numbers of rows not inches and I tried to wing it but it's very hard to wing a curve thing, blah, blah, blah... hence the frogging. Full-stop and breathe. The frogged sweater is in my Ravlery notebook if you want to have a look. I’m sure it would have been a very nice sweater. Anyway, here is the vest I made instead. It was also my first seam job - so please disregard the lack of perfection there.

Noro Design 4 Sleeveless Top. Pattern info here: Ravelry.
Since I have plenty of yarn left over, I sought out a mitten pattern. People in Michigan can always use another pair of mittens, and the way Noro stripes is really cool right, so why not? Anyway, I found a pattern but the ribbing was too big and it had seams. Why seam mittens when you can knit in the round? Sooo... I’m winging/writing my own pattern. Clearly, I did not learn my lesson from the frogged sweater mentioned above. 
Attempts #1 and #2 at pattern-writing. Color filter via Instagram.
I have one mitten finished. I’m not entirely happy with the way I decreased to shape the top: too pointy. For attempt #3, I’m knitting the second mitten and trying something slightly different at the top. If I like it, I’ll rip back the first a little and duplicate it. If it doesn’t work, I’ll just have two pointy mittens. Such is the life of a knitter who insists on venturing out on her own rather than just knitting from a pattern.

Mitten #1. Gorgeous color but kinda pointy.
Speaking of venturing out, I’m heading to a Detroit Tiger's baseball game on Saturday. Circling back to my title here, I used to be an English teacher - can’t help but circle back, does anyone know if you can bring knitting needles into a stadium? Hoping not to offend here, but baseball games bore me to tears. I know, I know, why go you’re wondering(?) I love Detroit, we are going with very fun friends, and people watching is usually entertaining. Anyway, I’m hoping to bring along something to knit. Signing off now to grade some papers. Let me know what you know about knitting needles at sporting events. Many thanks for reading and commenting my friends. ~ Christina


  1. Only way I can enjoy a Mariners game was having a few cups of beer! ;)

  2. I'm with you! My friends promised me one of those giant fufu drinks - think a few beers sound better :)

  3. lovely mitt! I hope you like your second time around decreasing. And everyone could always use another pair of mitts!!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm probably being overly picky about the "pointyness" lol

  4. I'm not sure if stadiums have any real rules on needles or not. I know for Red Sox games, if you have a small bag, half the time they don't even want to check it... or they have you unzip and quickly peak in, never really figuring out what's inside at all.

    1. Good to know. Think I'll bring a cheap pair of Clovers and dishcloth yarn just in case they actually look :)
