
Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Mountain Coca Bag for Me

After dusting myself off from my recent gauge disaster, remember the giant sock (?), I decided to whip up a little after Christmas present for me. I have a library book checked out that’s due next week. Stay with me, I'll get to the knitting. Anyway, I’m loving this book! It combines color work folk designs from the Andes Mountains and history - two of my passions. 

So, I paged through the book and decided on the chuspa cordillera, which translates into "mountain coca bag." Chilean workers use these bags to carry coca leaves in the mountains; I’m thinking cell phone, id, and credit card. For some reason I decided on a project in which gauge is not important. Hmm….  I spent a couple of hours knitting, lightly blocked it by steaming, and trimmed it with twisted cords, which I've never made before. (Gotta love the tutorials on You Tube.) Ella Rae classic wool is the perfect yarn for this project. It knits up great and is nice and sturdy.

I decided to turn the bag into a wristlet, which I’ve wanted for a while but never seem to buy. I love the results! Now, I just need to go somewhere to use it... 



  1. So cute Chris, and I loved the history lesson behind it. You are so talented and all of your work is beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing.
