
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Socks on the Beach

Sorry, that’s not a typo - I was not referring to the cocktail. I’m working on a pair of socks and enjoying the beauty of Lake Michigan. It’s been a beautiful weekend for both being outside and knitting. With temperatures in the 40s and the sun shinning, I just had to get out and go for a walk yesterday. This is unusually warm weather for West Michigan. There were many kite surfers out too; clearly they couldn’t resist the pull of the big lake either. Glad I armed myself with my iphone so I could get some pictures. 

I feel very fortunate to live so close to all of this natural beauty!

The Grand Haven channel and pier.
Now on to the socks. Yes, these are the same socks that knocked me off my knitting pedestal and reminded me of the value of humility. I’m knitting a free pattern from Ravelry titled, “A Nice Ribbed Sock,” by Glenna C. After checking my gauge, ahem, I went down a needle size. I’m also converting the pattern to knit on 2 circulars rather than double-points. Trying to keep stitches on all of those needles drives me nuts. There are fewer ladders with 2 circulars, and the ribbing in this pattern hides them nicely. The first sock is finished, and I’m close to knitting the heel flap on the second. It’s been a while since I’ve knitted socks: I forgot how loooong they can take with such small needles. Thank goodness for my addi’s. 

  I’m throughly enjoying this yarn. It’s Sausalito by Crystal Palace, very soft.

 On the first sock, the solid stripes on the leg change to variegated stripes on the foot. I love the effect. 

Not sure the pictures do the color justice. Anyway, I better quit procrastinating on the Internet and get those needles clicking! Thanks for reading :)


  1. Love the socks. They're gorgeous. I'll pass your blog on to my friends!

  2. Wonderful post, love the pics. We live not far from the Port Huron boarder and we go over every month for a weekend up in Bay City....I love Michigan. Part of my New Year's resolution was to start knitting again, was thinking maybe in the spring...I will keep an eye open for your newest the socks! Following you my friend. Diane

    1. Thanks so much Diane. Flattered to have you following me :)
