
Monday, August 20, 2012

Blueberry Waffle Socks

I have returned from vacationing in the beautiful state of Arizona. It was the first time I have traveled for fun without hubby and/or kids. A very liberating experience. I love them dearly and all of that, but it was nice not to worry whether or not everyone was having a good time, who was stressing out whom, etc. I think I did that “who” “whom” bit correctly, always have struggled with that. Anyway, I’ll share pictures in a bit.

I’ve been working on a pair of socks for myself and am 50% finished. In non-math speak that means one sock is finished, and I need to make one more, or una mas for my Spanish-speaking friends, a phrase I usually reserve for beer drinking... Never mind, getting distracted here. The pattern is called “Blueberry Waffle Socks” by Sandy Turner. Pattern info here. This free pattern that calls for DK weight yarn on double points, so basically all I’m using is the (4) row waffle stitch pattern. I loathe knitting on double points, so I’m using (2) circulars. Is “loathe” too strong a word? Please disregard that rhetorical question. The other reason I’m not using much of the pattern is that I’m knitting with Sausalito, a 2-ply sock yarn, so the cast-on number is different. Project notes here if you want them (size 8 shoe)Ravelry.

Use stitch markers to denote needles when knitting a double-point pattern on circular needles.
You can easily convert a double point pattern to circular needles by using markers to note where the needles would be. 

Simon singing "Save a Prayer." Sigh. I might have swooned. 
On to my vacation. Being the huge Duran Duran fan that I am, I could not resist a chance to see them for the very first time and visit my brothers at the same time. Lucky for me they were happy to tag along to the concert and schlep me 1000 miles or so around Arizona. Our road trips included Tucson for the concert, outlet shopping, Old Town Scottsdale, Route 66, and the Grand Canyon! Here are just a few photo highlights.

Our fancy room at Casino Del Sol in Tucson.

Big Winner! Cashed out after using my free $10 voucher. I'm not much of a gambler.

With my "little" brother Scott at the Grand Canyon.
Being safely daring.
Vince being less safely daring...
Waited for this buck to cross the street on our way out of the Grand Canyon.
Williams, AZ: The last town on Route 66 to be bypassed by I-40. 
Love souvenir shops like this one in Williams.

Not sure if you can read it, but the sign says rooms start at $3.50. Guessing that was the 1891 price.
With that I’m off to knit that other sock and plan my next blog post. Here's a trailer, like at the movies but without the video and music. Try to imagine that guy with the movie-trailer voice... Today a good friend helped me line my Quinn Bag, my youngest leaves for college this week, I'm off to see Jimmy Buffett, and I bought the iphone app Wooly, which links to Ravelry. 

Thanks for reading. I'd love to hear about your solo travel adventures or your thoughts on Wooly, as I'm just beginning to play with it. Signed, Christina who had some kicks on Route 66 ;)


  1. looks like you are having a great time with your brothers! I have never been to the grand canyon nor have I seen duran duran in concert! Love the money winnings by quitting early!!

    1. Thanks I had a blast. All firsts for me too. Not a gambler at all, so was pretty happy to get the free $22!

      Thanks for reading :)

