
Friday, August 10, 2012

Saluting the Coast Guard, Heading to the Desert in August, and Knitting Wool Socks

First, a salute to the United States and Canadian Coast Guards. Thank you for everything you do to serve and protect us on the Great Lakes!
Top to bottom: USCGC Neah Bay, CCGC Griffon (Canadian), USCGC Hollyhock
I live in Coast Guard City, USA a.k.a. Grand Haven, Michigan. Really, per an act of Congress, Grand Haven is Coast Guard City, USA. Anyway, last week we held our annual week long festival/party honoring the Coast Guard. I absolutely love this week. I love that our town is packed with even more tourists. I also love the carnival on the main street, the row of “gut wagons” for glutenous eating, the beer tents, the art fair, free tours of the Coast Guard ships, the town swelling with “Coasties,” the parade on Saturday. I could go on and on and on.... Here are just a few highlights from the week:

Docking the USCGC Hollyhock: It turns in the channel and comes in sideways. 
Me at the wheel of the USCGC Neah Bay. 
Coast Guard helicopter fly over during the parade.
Everyone's fav: The Scottville Clown Band. They always end the parade.
My friend Jen and me at the parade.
Our beach stick decorated for Coast Guard week.
Now onto the other topics at hand. This summer has been one of record breaking heat here in the Midwest. So, after recently returning from a hot and humid week in beautiful North Carolina, I’m leaving for Arizona tomorrow. This from a girl who doesn’t like temperature extremes. I know, I know, it’s dry heat. Or so I keep hearing from well-meaning friends and family. My response: “So is an oven.” My point: hot is hot. 

What does one knit on a 3 1/2 hour airplane ride to the desert? This has been more perplexing to me than what I should wear. I’ve (finally) accepted the fact that no matter how many outfits I “pin” to my Pinterest “If I had any fashion sense...” board, I am no fashionista. Right, enough self-deprecation, back to knitting. I want something portable and relatively uncomplicated. The infant sock pattern I’ve written and am tweaking is out. As are the mittens I’m planning which will combine a couple of patterns. 

Infant socks from scratch: too complicated
Hmm... In the spirit of the Olympic Games, I dove, not to worry it was a metaphorical dive, into my stash and found some soft, squishy, gorgeous, and very pink sock yarn called Sausalito. I’ve just completed the slip stitch heel on sock one, and I’ve made notes along the way. I think wool socks will be the perfect project to knit on my way to the desert. Irony intended. 

Blueberry Waffle Socks. Pattern info here: Ravelry
I’ll probably also bring along yarn and needles for a dishcloth or two. One of my biggest travel fears, besides not having enough books to read - problem solved by Kindle thank you Amazon - is that I’ll run out of knitting projects. 

Oh, I almost forgot to mention the reason I’m traveling to Arizona in August. Besides spending time with my brothers, I’m going to see Duran Duran! I’m so excited. I’ve had a crush on Simon since high school and have never seen them in concert. I wrangled my bros into taking me to the Grand Canyon, too. Another first! The Grand Canyon not the wrangling: I'm the oldest. Anyway, did I mention I'm excited?!

What are some of your favorite travel projects? Are you or any of your family and friends Coasties? Any favorite festivals in your neck of the woods? High school band crushes? As always thank you for reading, and I enjoy reading your responses. I'm always flattered and humbled that you take the time to comment. :) Christina 


  1. Love the photos of the boats (ships?). We lived in the upper peninsula a LONG time ago and loved it. Have fun seeing Duran Duran and the Grand Canyon a great mix indeed!!

    1. The UP is beautiful! I try to get up there once a year or so. Duran Duran were spectacular! The Grand Canyon wasn't too shabby either ;)

  2. Kiss those brothers of yours for me and tell them I miss them. I do tell them myself but you'll be there in the flesh and it'll have more meaning~lol. I missed the CGF this year since I've been doing all the extra grunt work at the house we bought up in Silver Lake. Maybe next year though :) Have a great time in Arizona and we'll get a lunch in together when you get back. Love you :)

    1. Had a blast Aunt Karel. Those boys are so much fun and they put up with me for 5 days!


  3. Those wee little socks are too cute. We used a modified version of the wool-sock method to clear up Humnoy's ear infection naturally way back when!

    Wool seems so great for a variety of natural uses! Cloth diapers being the main thing I remember its greatness :)

    1. I wish I would have had this information years ago. My youngest often suffered from ear infections. Will pass your post along to my friends who still have little ones :)

  4. I have a cousin in Arizona. She is from one of England's colder, damper counties and says she spends all summer in the pool or stretched out near the air conditioning unit!

    Travel knitting for me is usually a simple shawl.

    Have a great trip :D

    1. Thanks Annie. I thought about a shawl, but that would have required buying yet more yarn, and I'm trying to use up my stash. The trip was great. My first time in AZ. When we were in the southern region, I was camped out by the AC too! Much more comfortable in the northern region where my brothers live.
